Industry Testimonials

Since 2015 Manchester Animation Festival has played a key role in promoting animation nationally and internationally. With the support of some of the titans of industry the festival has become the UK’s premier animation event. If you’d like to be a part of the festival please get in touch with us.

Here’s what some of the movers and shakers in animation make of MAF!

Patricia Hidalgo – Director of Children’s & Education at the BBC

“We’re committed to helping the UK animation industry develop and thrive and I’m delighted that we were able to show case the 3 finalists of our 2022 Ignite project as well as launch our second year of this Initiative at MAF this year. We know there is a wealth of animation creative talent across the UK and MAF was a great platform for us to engage with them. This year entries exceeded our expectations with over 1,600 submissions, that’s 600 more than the first year, and mostly from individuals, I am sure that being at MAF had much to do with this.”

Peter Lord – Creative Director and Co-Founder at Aardman Animations

“I have always found its programming to be excellent, and it is certainly the go-to destination for the animation industry in the UK. The Festival is a wonderful place where filmmakers, animation students and film fans can immerse themselves in the art of animation through screenings and talks.”

Joanna Hepworth – Animation Director at A Productions

“I met so many lovely people and attended some brilliant talks and screenings, most notably the IEA Storyboarding Roundtable and Short Films For Children screening. Katie and I also had a table at the Portfolio Review which was a positive experience, getting to talk to many talented professionals and students.”

J.P. Vine – Film Director at Locksmith Animation

“MAF was excellent, fascinating speakers and panels and screenings in a  venue that also showcased the city well. It prompted plenty of encounters with new contacts. The attendees, both professionals and students were motivated to be there, get the most out it and grow in the industry. It’s great to see the festival gain momentum and importance for film-makers.”

Vanessa Wheeler – Development Producer at Lupus Films

“MAF is one of our favourite festivals and so we were happy to sponsor it last year. It’s clear how much care goes into curating the programme, preparing insightful sessions and ensuring that everyone who comes along is given a warm welcome. It’s a great opportunity to catch up on high-profile International animated films and discover hidden gems. It is also a great place for the UK animation industry to gather and share best practice.”

Tom Box – Co-Founder at Blue Zoo

“We sponsor MAF to help support and champion the UK animation industry, which our business relies on. As MAF is the biggest animation festival in the UK, it’s a no-brainer to financially support MAF to ensure it continues inspiring the current and next generation of UK animators. Events such as these are a beast to put on, and they need every penny of support they can get.”

Marc Ollington – Marketing Director at Magic Light Pictures

“It was a total joy to be involved with MAF this year. Their session on 20 Years of Magic Light with our founders Martin Pope and Michael Rose was a triumph. It was fantastic to see our work presented in such a brilliant way, and on such a good screen! We were also one of the proud sponsors of the event and we felt our money was well spent, such was the great offering of sessions and activities. It was a festival we were so pleased to be associated with.”

Sam Ingleson – Associate Dean School of Arts, Media and Creative technology at University of Salford

“The University of Salford is proud of its association with the Festival. Over the last five years, we have partnered with them to produce an annual conference as well as enable our students to engage with key employers in the Sector. This years Animated Connections Conference was a great success, bringing academics and the creative industries together to debate the current issues in the sector. MAF is a strategic partner for the School of Arts, Media and Creative Technology and we look forward to developing the relationship further in the coming years”

Joanna Quinn & Les Mills – Academy Award® Nominated Director and Writer at Beryl Films

“Each film festival has its own distinctive qualities which makes it unique, and the Manchester Animation Festival’s speciality is its ability to enlist the support and active involvement of many industry heavy weights who give masterclasses, lectures and screenings which introduce the latest international and British animated films to very diverse often younger audiences.”

Shelley Page – Key Talent and Artist Liaison at Locksmith Animation

“MAF 2023 was my first visit to this great event – and I certainly intend to return for future editions! I attended as many sessions as possible – but still wished I had been able to make it to more. In my experience, this is always the sign of an excellent festival! I appreciated the mix of all types of animation represented: from kid-friendly to adult-oriented – and that my particular area of interest, Animation Education, was so well covered and attended. On the practical side, I found the Education sessions to be very stimulating and I came away with a lot of valuable new contacts.”

Scott Ramsay – Head of Animation at Giant Animation

“I attended MAF 2023 representing Giant Animation, Dublin. The event was nicely organized with plenty of day and night events. I found plenty of opportunities to network with young and upcoming talent and enjoyed offering up my advice. I particularly enjoyed the opportunities the festival provided to engage with educators and other studios about the current issues within the industry and education system. It’s a great platform to get your voice heard and share ideas.”  

Katie Barba – Development Producer at A Productions

“MAF had an enticing range of panels, screenings and social events this year and it was a great pleasure to attend. It was a joy to meet some emerging talent from the portfolio reviews and to reconnect with some familiar faces throughout the festival. The panels raised some really interesting topics which fed into stirring discussions about the direction of the UK animation industry.”