Privacy Policy

This privacy information applies to the processing of personal data carried out by Manchester Animation Festival when you visit our website, contact us, submit a film, attend festival events, or otherwise interact with us.
It is important that we use your data only in accordance with applicable data protection legislation, in line with your expectations and in a transparent manner.
This policy sets out information about what data is collected, why it is collected, how it is used and your options and rights regarding the collection and use of your data.

Who is collecting the data?

Manchester Animation Festival
Fletchers Mill, Dean Clough Mills, Halifax, England, HX3 5AX
Registered Company number: 09601800

What data is being collected?

The personal data that we collect about you is information that you give us through contact forms, competition entries, job applications, festival submissions, e-newsletter sign-ups and visitor surveys.

Personal information we collect may include your:
• name and title
• gender
• date of birth
• postal address
• email address
• phone number
• current interests and activities
• Race, Religion, Sexual orientation, Health information

Digital Data may be collected when you visit our website or other digital platforms, including IP addresses, browser data, traffic data, booking history, social media behaviour and user patterns. If you subscribe to our email newsletters, we may collect data regarding which newsletters you open, your location when opening them and whether you access any links inserted in them. Read more about how we collect this data in our cookie policy.

When we ask you to provide your personal information we will let you know why we are asking, and how we will use your data, by referring you to this privacy policy.


MAF uses photography and film at events to promote its activities, build new audiences and report to funders. These images may be used on our website, social media channels and in written reports to funders. Public may request not to be photographed or to have their photographs removed from these platforms by emailing

How will we use your information?

Depending on your relationship with MAF and the preferences you have indicated, information that we hold about you may be used by us for the following purposes:

• Send you promotional, marketing or other information by electronic means such as news, events, activities, competitions, promotions or offers.
• To monitor the effectiveness of our communications with you, we may use tools such as email tracking – this records when an e-newsletter from us is opened and/or how many links are clicked within the message. The data from this tracking is generally used in an aggregated and anonymised form.
• To present anonymously to funders and sponsors to gauge a demographic for the festival.
• Film and filmmakers data is kept for festival archive reasons.

You can opt out of receiving our communications at any point simply by contacting 

How will we manage and keep your information?

We will keep your information safe, and will only keep your information as long as is necessary.
Every January, contact forms, competition entries and volunteer entry forms will be deleted.
Successful volunteer data and staffing submissions will be kept for up to three years for festival statistical data and contact information.
Filmmaker and Film submission information and data will be kept indefinitely as part of the festival archive.

You can remove your data from our systems at any point simply by contacting

We want to make sure that your personal information is accurate and up to date. You may ask us to correct or remove information that you think is inaccurate.

Will the data be shared with any third parties? How is it safe?

MAF will not share any personal data with any third parties or external organisations, other than companies carrying out work on our behalf.
We use Mailchimp for our email newsletters, our web hosting platform is wordpress, Cinebox (for file delivery for selected films) and HOME (for any data regarding your bookings). Data from HOME is shared with us anonymously and we have no way of identifying individuals from the data we obtain from HOME. In 2021, we are using more third party systems to help deliver a digital festival so please ensure you are familiar with these before making bookings. We are using Eventive for online sales and Stripe for payments, Zoom for our meetings/workshops/social events. Links to these companies’ privacy policies are below:

Mailchimp – for our newsletters

Eventive – for sales data

Stripe – for taking payments

Zoom – for workshops, social events and guest interviews

HOME – for any sales data

Cinebox – for delivering films selected for the festival

Google Analytics – we use Google Analytics to collect statistical data

How can I access information held about me, and/or correct the information?

You can ask us about any personal data that we hold about you and you can also request to receive a copy of that personal data – this is called a Subject Access Request.
To make a Subject Access Request you will need to provide proof of your identity such as a copy of your passport, birth certificate or driving licence before your request can be processed.
To help us deal with your request, please try to be as clear as possible about the information you are seeking. Once we have received your Subject Access Request, the agreed fee and proof of identity, you will receive a response from us within one month and you will be able to get copies of any information we hold on you. However, exemptions to disclosure may apply in some circumstances.
Subject Access Requests should be sent to:
Manchester Animation Festival
Fletchers Mill,
Dean Clough Mills,

At any time you may request that we delete or correct your personal information. If you wish to correct any information on you held by MAF simply contact

Links to other websites

This website contains links to other websites; please note that this Privacy Policy only applies to this website so when you click a link through to other websites you may wish to read their own Privacy Policies.

Changes to our privacy policy

We keep this Privacy Policy under regular review and we will include any updates on this web page. Any changes will apply from the time that they are posted. This Privacy Policy was last updated on 25/06/2021.

How to contact us

If you have any questions or complaints about our privacy policy or would like a copy of some or all of the information that we hold about you, please either email or write to us:
By email to:
Write to us at:
Manchester Animation Festival
Fletchers Mill, Dean Clough Mills,