Chicken Run: Dawn of the Nugget

Having pulled off a death-defying escape from Tweedy’s farm, Ginger has finally found her dream – a peaceful island sanctuary for the whole flock, far from the dangers of the human world. When she and Rocky hatch a little girl called Molly, Ginger’s happy ending seems complete. But back on the mainland, the whole of chicken-kind faces a new and terrible threat. For Ginger and her team, even if it means putting their own hard-won freedom at risk – this time, they’re breaking in.
Director: | Sam Fell |
Country: | United Kingdom |
Year: | 2023 |
Length: | 01:38:00 |
Technique: | Not specified |
Language: |
This film is playing as part of:
Gala Screening Chicken Run: Dawn of the Nugget + Intro
Time: Mon, 13 Nov - 20:40
Venue: HOME Cinema 1