Raoul Cacciamani has worked in Animation since 2004, collaborating for the first 10 years on full length features and TV series across Europe, doing character animation and supervising.
In 2015 he moves to Sweden where he starts his career in the VFX industry joining Goodbye Kansas Studio as Animation Director and Head of Keyframe Department, working on shows such as See, The Walking Dead, Carnival Row, Halo, and ful CG Game Trailers for AAA titles such as Cyberpunk2077, Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League, Dune Awakening, Lineage W.
In 2022 starts to work for Epic Games with the goal of promoting and incentivizing the adoption of Unreal Engine across animation studios for the production of linear content, also designing and producing a series of tutorials on how to animate in engine and released by Epic Games.
Since March 2024 he is Animation Supervisor at Dimension Studio focusing on real time productions and in engine animation.
Time: Tue, 12 Nov - 12:00
Venue: HOME - Cinema 1