Paul Hollingsworth

Paul Hollingsworth is a Director, Writer, and Producer known for his stop-motion animation work on series like Weirdos, Harry Potter Magical Movie Moments, and DC Toybox Adventures. His film One Final Day screens at MAF 2024.

After immigrating to Los Angeles, Paul founded Digital Wizards Studios, a haven for talented artists, actors, and technicians who share a passion for pushing the boundaries of storytelling. Through their work, Digital Wizards Studios developed the first VR180 stop-motion animated film for Google, and their content continues to expand the limits of imagination.

Paul’s animated films screen worldwide and bring wonder, joy, and laughter to 100+ millions of people online.

Events involving Paul Hollingsworth

Short Film Directors Q+A

Time: Thu, 14 Nov - 09:30
Venue: HOME - Event Space

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