Justin Hutchinson-Chatburn

Justin Hutchinson-Chatburn is the Production Designer on That Christmas. After graduating from the Royal College of Art with an MA in illustration, Justin began his career as a Digital Matte artist with an equal hand in conceptual design. His passion for storytelling and visual effects led him to the multi award winning design studio Painting Practice where he became a senior partner for 10 years helming some of the studios most prestigious work.
Whilst working as the VFX supervisor on the popular series Black Mirror he earned two BAFTA nominations along with recognition from the Art Directors Guild for his work on the same series. In equal parts Justin has been a long-standing Art Director working across numerous projects both live action and animated. These include commercials, feature films and countless development projects for studios both large and small. These days he continues to bring a remarkable skillset and a valued level of experience to the animation world.

Events involving Justin Hutchinson-Chatburn

Making of: That Christmas

Time: Wed, 13 Nov - 14:15
Venue: HOME - Cinema 1

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