The Last Garden

The Last Garden

Dir. Eloise Jenninger | United Kingdom

A bee flies through a loud, smog-ridden city when it encounters seventy-year-old Henry, a gentle soul. Every day, he escapes his monotonous job to the city's last community garden. It is a jungle of colourful and vibrant life: Animals, bugs, and plants all living symbiotically with the gardeners. Until the decision has been made to build a shopping mall that will tear this garden apart. A passionate young activist, instantly starts aggressively trying to rally the sceptical community, but Henry finds this approach disruptive and patronising. Instead, he smugly writes a letter to the Mayor.

This film is playing as part of:

Student Films Panorama (15)

Time: Tue, 12 Nov - 12:15
Venue: HOME - Cinema 2

Student Films Panorama (15)

Time: Thu, 14 Nov - 16:30
Venue: HOME - Cinema 2

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