The Smell of Chicken

The Smell of Chicken

Dir. Sivan Raphaely | United Kingdom

Based on true story: Meticulously-groomed and elegant Granny Sima invites her family for Shabbat dinner, but when she bites into the roast chicken, this mild-mannered 74 year-old literally transforms into a grotesque, gluttonous and ravenous beast. The grandchild, new to Granny’s story, follows her back in time through her journey of poverty, struggle, hunger and hope. From post WWII Lithuania where antisemitism is rife and food is scarce and where the smell of roasting chicken from her neighbour's apartment fills Tiny Sima's dreams, to Israel where chicken is rationed after the Sinai war and Young Sima steals scraps meant for the dog, back to South Africa where the grandchild finally learns why Granny Sima eats chicken like it’s the last day of her life.

This film is playing as part of:

British Animated Short Film Award (15)

Time: Mon, 11 Nov - 10:00
Venue: HOME - Cinema 2

British Animated Short Film Award (15)

Time: Tue, 12 Nov - 20:10
Venue: HOME - Cinema 2

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