To be a Seed

To be a Seed

Dir. Julia Granillo Tostado | Mexico

In a small town women are disappearing, vanishing into dust. Through a poetic narrative we accompany a group of women/witches, their relationship with the earth and nature, and their freedom which allows them to turn into birds and fly. However, the increasing violence is drying out their lands and killing the women. A poetic retelling of a 17th century tale of witchcraft in our 21st century; a story about women, witches, gender violence, about women’s strength and resistance.

This film is playing as part of:

New Animated Voices (15)

Time: Mon, 11 Nov - 12:00
Venue: HOME - Cinema 1

New Animated Voices (15)

Time: Wed, 13 Nov - 12:20
Venue: HOME - Cinema 2

New Animated Voices (15)

Time: Thu, 14 Nov - 10:15
Venue: HOME - Cinema 2

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