To Break A Circle

To Break A Circle

Dir. Kalia Firester | United Kingdom

Time and all its hazards have worn down the land and opportunities in Liscommon, a small Northern Irish town. The remaining stragglers live in the long shadow of an ancient stone circle — the wilderness within the only unspoiled constant, protected by generations of folklore. When a young man, desperate to leave, accepts an ill-fated job offer to aid gentrification effort and construct a motorway that will run straight through the stones, he quickly learns a road built at such expense does not lead very far.

This film is playing as part of:

British Animated Short Film Award (15)

Time: Mon, 11 Nov - 10:00
Venue: HOME - Cinema 2

British Animated Short Film Award (15)

Time: Tue, 12 Nov - 20:10
Venue: HOME - Cinema 2

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