

Dir. José Prats | United Kingdom

Pedro, 72, is trying to deal with the imminent departure of his son moving away from home. Alex, 38, has landed a job as a nurse all the way in England and knows that moving will be hard for his father. As they go on one last hunt, which is filled with repressed words and feelings, they discover that their dog Canela has swallowed fox poison. Alex and Pedro both deal with this tragedy with opposing views. Will this disaster help them to bond and finally connect over the deep sadness Pedro feels?

This film is playing as part of:

Student Films Panorama (15)

Time: Tue, 12 Nov - 12:15
Venue: HOME - Cinema 2

Student Films Panorama (15)

Time: Thu, 14 Nov - 16:30
Venue: HOME - Cinema 2

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