Environment and Sustainability Policy

Manchester Animation Festival (MAF) is committed to minimising the impact of its activities on the environment.  The organisation accepts responsibility for the harmful effects its operations have on both the local and global environment and is committed to reducing them.

In particular we aim to:

  • Meet, and where practical, exceed all relevant regulatory requirements and minimise any adverse environmental effects caused as a result of our activities.
  • Minimise the environmental effect of new programme developments through strategic planning.
  • Source and promote a product range to minimise the environmental impact of both production and distribution, giving consideration to the environmental effects of the materials we use, and wherever possible, use materials that can be recycled.
  • Promote recycling and the use of recycled materials, while reducing the consumption of materials wherever possible.
  • To adopt and aim to apply the principles of ‘sustainability’ – that is, working in a way, which meets the needs of the present, without compromising the abilities of future generations to meet their own needs.
  • Work with suppliers who have similar policies to minimise the impact of their operation on the environment.
  • Ensure that all key staff have carbon literacy training and are aware of the environmental policy at Induction Training.
  • To use low carbon transport options, when available and use an accredited program to offset the greenhouse gas emissions generated by our activities.
  • To encourage the use of public transport for delegates, guests and staff.
  • To encourage paperless working in office spaces, meetings and film submissions, and advocate the use of video-conferencing to reduce long-distance travel.
  • Programming content where available concerning global movement, migration and refugee crises, the impact of environmental catastrophe and an international call to action for climate change awareness and responsibility.
  • To be active members of climate change advocacy groups such as MAST and participate in a meaningful exchange of knowledge surrounding any findings.
  • To work as an organisation and with partners to accurately measure our carbon impact, and use that information to be an active participant of the Green Charter for Film Festivals.

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