Code of Conduct

Manchester Animation Festival (MAF) prides itself as being an inclusive, safe space where an audience – no matter who you are or how you look – come together to enjoy animation. Our motto is Animation for All and that means everyone!

This Code of Conduct applies to everyone at the festival venues, during online sessions and participants on our social media channels. Guests, staff, volunteers, board members, and press will be held to the same standards. We reserve the right to remove or ban any person, without notice or refund, credentials or access to Festival events, venues and online sessions who does not adhere to the Code of Conduct.

Our Code

By attending MAF events, you agree to abide by and embrace our code of conduct. We ask that all festival attendees refrain from talking and texting during film screenings and events unless appropriate. We expect that festival attendees arrive on time for screenings and workshops and do not disrupt screenings or events.

We do not tolerate harassment or harmful behaviour in any form. We encourage all attendees to be active bystanders. During the festival, if you are made to feel unsafe or unwelcome, notice someone else being harassed, or have any other concerns, you can tell a member of our staff, volunteer, or security teams. They will help, or find someone who can.

Harassment includes but is not limited to:

  • Deliberate intimidation or threats
  • Sustained disruption of talks or other events
  • Hurtful language or abusive comments and insults
  • Physical assault of any type
  • Inappropriate physical contact
  • Unwanted touching or sexual attention
  • Invasions of private space and personal boundaries
  • Unwanted photography or video recording
  • Bullying or stalking
  • Prejudice (eg, related to gender identity and expression, sexuality, age, race, religion/belief, national origin, disability, medical condition or pregnancy, physical appearance, or socio-economic background);
  • Advocating for, or encouraging, any of the above behaviour

If you tell us about an incident, your immediate safety will be our first priority. We will listen from a position of belief, and keep what you say in confidence until and if agreed otherwise, and can recommend relevant support agencies and services.

We value respectful behaviour above individual opinions. Respectful behaviour includes: being considerate, kind, constructive, and helpful. Avoiding demeaning, discriminatory, harassing, hateful, or physically threatening behaviour, speech, and imagery. If you’re not sure, ask someone. Never assume.

What to do:

  • If you are asked to stop any harassing behaviour, STOP immediately.
  • If you experience or witness any form of harassment, please contact the nearest staff member either from the festival or from the venue, or online through the festival representative at an event. A manager will address the situation. To file a formal complaint, email  All complaints will be investigated – please provide detailed information and your contact information.
  • If you feel unsafe in your immediate situation, alert our staff, move to a safe location and dial 999.

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