
Whilst we love leaving an impact on our audiences, as the UK’s largest animation event we recognise the duty we have to ensure we are acting to reduce our impact on the environment. Over the years we have made changes to the way we work which reduce our carbon footprint, recognising that even small changes add up to a big difference.

We make it our mission to continue to make changes as the festival grows. By supporting MAF, our supporters have enabled this work to continue sustainably and ethically!


Every year we host events and discussions that bring environment and sustainability issues to the front and centre – reminding and influencing studios of their importance. Some past examples includeThe Knowledge Exchange, Industry Insiders and Green for the Screen
Featuring both short and feature films in our selection which explore the issues and impacts of environmental change as a result of the climate crisis give the cause more prominence.
We ensure as much as possible that our guests travel responsibly, using public transport and limiting flights and other carbon heavy transport methods.

Marketing Materiels

Thousands of delegate passes are now fully recyclable, removing plastic from the equation.
Last year we replaced our roller banners ith a robust and recyclable cardboard alternative. A huge waste of single use material now changed.
We use a B Corp certified printer who employ a unique waterless and LED drying printing method.
We’ve taken steps to reduce the amount of printing we do as a festival interrogating what we are printing and why.
Our merchandise and t-shirts are created through a circular economy platform that uses organic materials, renewable energy, and is designed from the start to come back and be remade when it’s worn out.


The most impactful change anyone can make to fight the climate crisis is their diet, so by changing any food we serve with vegan food, we drastically reduce our carbon footprint without compromising on taste.


We work with venue partners such as HOME who have won many regional and national awards for their environmental work and, like MAF, are part of GMAST the Greater Manchester Arts Sustainability Team.
We continue to be part of the conversation and ensure we share knowledge with other festivals and events.

Carbon Literacy

Our senior team are all carbon literacy trained, meaning that they have made a pledge to put sustainability at the top of every agenda.


You’ll find our Environmental & Sustainability Policy here.

Our supporters