The Alliance of British Animation Exhibitors (ABAE) is the central exhibition hub for British animation in the UK, working with key partners to support, exhibit and promote British animation to the UK and the rest of the world.

If you want to find out more about the alliance or how you can work with us, please email jen@manchesteranimationfestival.co.uk.

The Alliance co-founders are: Kieran Argo, Helen Brunsdon, Sam Groves, Jen Hall, Steve Henderson, Lauren Orme, Chris Pallant, Nag Vladermersky, Rich Warren.

Current members are:
Manchester Animation Festival, Cardiff Animation Festival, London International Animation Festival, British Animation Awards, Flatpack Festival, Glasgow Short Film Festival, Edinburgh International Film Festival, Brighton International Animation Festival, MOVE Summit, Leeds Young Film Festival, Leeds International Film Festival, Bolton Film Festival.

Our supporters