Manchester Animation Festival and BAFTA Work to Elevate British Animation on the Global Stage

23rd September 2024

Manchester Animation Festival (MAF) is celebrating a major achievement: becoming a BAFTA-qualifying festival. From 2024 onwards, British films screened at MAF will automatically be longlisted for BAFTA’s prestigious British Short Animation award. This exciting development marks a significant milestone in MAF’s journey, which has involved four years of working with BAFTA behind the scenes to help elevate the status of animation within the British film industry.

In recent years, MAF has been collaborating with BAFTA to bring about changes to the BAFTA Animated Short award, ensuring that animation festivals can become qualifying events – something which was not possible before now. These efforts have led to a more inclusive and streamlined process. The changes benefit not just MAF but animation festivals around the world, which have now been included on BAFTA’s new list of qualifying animation festivals.

“We’re very proud to have worked with BAFTA on this,” Festival Director Steve Henderson announced, emphasising the global impact of their work. “The changes we have brought about have not just benefited MAF, but animation festivals both in the UK and internationally, which will shape this important award to reflect the worldwide impact of British animated short films and the amazing programming being done at animation festivals everywhere. We’re delighted to have joined BAFTA on this likeminded mission in making a small adjustment that will have a big impact for British animation filmmakers”

This new recognition solidifies MAF’s growing role in the global animation community, furthering its mission to champion British animation and support emerging talent.

For this final year, animation filmmakers can still submit their film to BAFTA via their entry portal before Friday 18 October (12:00) without the need to screen at a qualifying event. Entry is free. Submit your films at

(image credit BAFTA/Marc Hoberman)

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